- Andrey Litnovsky: Introduction to fusion technology and material research2024-11-18
- 李宇: 基于直线装置的聚变堆钨材料等离子体辐照损伤研究2024-11-18
- Eduard Feireisl: Stationary statistical solutions to problems of compressible fluid flows2024-11-12
- 房新强: 挑战与机遇——基于酮醇酯类分子的催化转化2024-11-13
- 冀千瑜: 增材制造技术2024-11-15
- 李喜彤: How Do Product Recommendations Help Consumers Search? Evidence from a Field Experiment2024-11-08
- Guanyi Lu: The Downside, Upside, or Curvilinear Side of Idle time? Evidence from A Retail Chain2024-11-08
- 方超: Introduction to Sustainable Energy and Environment Thrust2024-11-14
- 王震宇: 笼目超导体中超导序参量与竞争电子序的谱学研究进展2024-11-13
- 刘惠军: 人工智能助力高性能热电材料的高通量筛选2024-11-13
- 翁飞: 徽文化与现代化——略论徽文化的财富及其当代价值2024-11-13
- 郭旭: Model-free variable importance testing with machine learning methods2024-11-12
- 罗圣荣: 区域国别研究与中国特色的创新路径2024-11-12
- 史保森: 基于频谱迁移的红外信号感知研究2024-11-11
- Wolfgang Dietrich Pantleon: Microstructure evolution in tungsten-based materials2024-11-11